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If each of us takes part in caring and sharing, the overwhelming challenge of poverty can be addressed. Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much.

Blossoming Hope, Rekindled Faith in Unlikely Corners

Nang Merlinda, Nong Jorly, and their kids

It was early in the afternoon and the sun rested its unrelenting gaze on the busy bodies at GK Fatima. Beads of perspiration trickled down the weather-beaten faces of the builders. Yet the sun’s wrath could do little to daunt the prospective homeowners’ zeal. Oblivious to the sweltering heat, they proceeded with visible enthusiasm. Perhaps it would not take long before another house is added to the row of completed houses standing behind them.

We were greeted with warm smiles when we approached the active bunch. My companion spoke to a petite middle-aged woman who would later be introduced to me as Nang Merlinda. “Hay pwede man run” was her quick reply as she readily accommodated our request for a brief interview. Nang Merlinda escorted us to her home, leading us through stony and grassy trails. We stopped at the threshold of an ostensibly modest home. Its framework was made out of scraps of wood. The walls were pieces of sacks sewn together, leaving some parts of the house exposed (“eapos-eapos” as Nang Merlinda described it). It had no ceiling and had only the earth beneath it as floor.

Nang Merlinda's current home


Standing beside the door, Nang Merlinda timidly smiled at us. It was difficult not to take notice of the only embellishment of the home ─ a large image of the Savior and a blue rosary deliberately and lovingly placed at the entrance. She pushed the door open to reveal the interior of her humble home. Though entirely bereft of the usual comforts, the household manifested the housekeeper’s palpable attempt to run a functional and orderly household. Strangely, the sight of the house, though in apparent need of refurbishing, conveyed neither shame nor despair. Rather, it seemed to exude a quiet dignity.

Nang Merlinda called out to her husband as she amiably offered two improvised chairs to her guests. A balding man with a wiry build and deep brown complexion came out to welcome us. This was Nong Jorly. Like his wife, he graciously accepted the unscheduled interruption of their privacy. Stories flowed freely as husband and wife answered the questions with striking openness and sincerity.

They confided how they had received news about Gawad Kalinga with initial skepticism. It definitely was not the first time they were promised with a free house and lot. In spite of doubt, they participated in all the preparatory activities of GK, including the sessions of the Christian Life Program (CLP). Although not yet thoroughly convinced, the couple strived for a perfect attendance record because they found the spiritual enrichment dimension of Gawad Kalinga equally appealing. “Igto ako nagkantiguhan magpangamuyo sa atong Ginoo, ag makaron hay batyag ko guid mga maeapit ako Kana”, Nang Merlinda said of the CLP. (It was there that I learned to really pray to our God, and now I feel truly close to Him). According to her, she has developed the habit of praying the rosary with her family every night. She added that the Lord always seems to have an answer to her prayers, citing how she and her family survived the recent onslaught of Typhoon Frank. 

Nong Jorly disclosed that Gawad Kalinga has been instrumental in freeing him from alcoholism. He recounted how he would join his friends in drinking bouts that would last until dawn. He would go home smelling strongly of liquor to the dismay of his wife and young children. GK aided him in the process of transformation by allowing him to rediscover his God and by providing him with something literally constructive to do with his time. He has been sober for months. Nang Merlinda cast her husband a radiant look as he described his conversion, apparently pleased with the change. It appears that GK has vanquished what doubts they had.

Smiling beneficiaries pouring cement mixture for the flooring: Bayanihan at work 

Appreciative of the positive developments that GK has brought into their family and filled with hope for more blessings, they have gotten their eldest son involved. He helps his parents in the build when not selling fish in the market. Nong Jorly and Nang Merlinda seek to keep their attendance record spotless. They find themselves looking forward to their weekly turn to participate in the construction, motivated by the newly built houses that already stand in their midst. They are also enthused by the livelihood program GK promises. Nong Jorly intimated that he sees GK as the means by which he would be able to bequeath to his children what he has long dreamed to bestow as his pamana: a respectable home and a sustainable livelihood.

And he knows that every minute of toil spent under the blazing sun, every bead of sweat shed, and every word of prayer said, take his family steps forward on their way.

This community is one of the sites for the reconstruction program for the survivors of Typhoon Yolanda. Like the family of Nang Merlinda, there are many more families that need our help. More work needs to be done in order to provide the beneficiaries with a caring community and help them regain some sense of normalcy in their lives. To build a community with GK, click HERE.

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